Crossing from Sorrento to Capri

Below you can find the timetable with the departures time from Sorrento to Capri. Prices for the tickets vary from €13 to €20 according to the chosen craft and the time.
The average journey time is about 20-25 minutes according to the maritime conditions.
Sailings from Sorrento to Capri

07:15 Hydrofoil Alilauro
07:45 Hydrofoil Caremar
08:10 Hydrofoil SNAV
08:45 Hydrofoil Alilauro
09:25 Hydrofoil Caremar
09:50 Hydrofoil Alilauro
10:45 Hydrofoil Alilauro
11:25 Hydrofoil SNAV
11:45Hydrofoil Alilauro
13:30 HydrofoilAlilauro
13:50 HydrofoilSNAV
14:30 Hydrofoil Caremar
15:50 HydrofoilAlilauro
16:45 Hydrofoil Alilauro
17:45 Hydrofoil Alilauro
19:25 Hydrofoil Caremar

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